Nationalities: Swiss and UK
Married, two grown-up children
lic.phil. I (Zurich)
MA (Cantab)
English (native standard), German (native), French (Matura/A-level standard),
Italian (reading knowledge), Spanish (reading knowledge)
Secondary education
Swiss Matura (IB): German, Latin, French, English, History, Geography, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry
Higher education
lic.phil. I in English Literature/Linguistics and Latin, University of Zurich, including a year as a visiting student at the University of Cambridge
Other skills and training
Good administrative computer skills, Microsoft Office, Powerpoint, Raiser’s Edge
Management, leadership and HR courses
Clean driving licence
Since 2015 — freelance in the following areas
- Copy-editing and proofreading
- Translation and publishing
- Organising meetings and taking minutes
- Fundraising research
- Conference organisation
1992 to 2015
University of Cambridge
- Administrative Officer
Departmental administration in the Faculties of Modern and Medieval Languages and Philosophy, including responsibility for administrative support, resource allocation, HR, lecture and examination arrangements, health and safety, data protection, Faculty Board and Degree Committee, as well as Appointments and Promotions Committees, both for academic and support staff
- Assistant Registrary
Committee administration in the Registrary’s Office, including responsibility for the University’s Audit Committee, Colleges’ Committee, Appointments Committee for senior officers, Management Committee for senior Directors and Pro-Vice-Chancellors, resource allocation and building committees, and international student exchanges
- Assistant Director in the Research Office (maternity cover)
Responsible for all research grants administration in Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, contact point for all academics in those Faculties and for grant-giving bodies in the higher education and commercial sectors
- Associate Director in Development and Alumni Relations
Fundraiser, including stewardship and research on international donors, including networking with senior academics and with donors at all levels
1985 to 91
- Freelance sub-editor, proofreader and translator, mostly for Cambridge University Press
- Temporary administrative assistant
- Conference and event organiser
1980 to 85
Chief Secretary in the Faculty of Classics, University of Cambridge
Experience relevant for editing, sub-editing and proofreading work
- Sub-editing and proofreading documents and books drafted by academics and senior managers
- Translating from and into German
- Checking translations from and into German
- Preparing agendas, drafting position papers, writing minutes
- Writing annual reports